What is RetroGuide

A RetroGuide is nothing complex. In simple terms, it's a regularly updated, internet-accessible guide for using specific obsolete operating systems, devices, and applications. Since I was a computer book author in another life, this kind of thing was my bread and butter, and now I'm applying that experience to helping people get into retro computer collection and usage of these now vintage items of renewed desire. 

Unlike a computer book, however, the formatting of each guide is specifically designed to be searchable and each article focuses on a single process. For example, this RetroGuide for Mac OS 9 will feature some of the following subjects:

  • How to install Mac OS 9 on supported systems.
  • How to install Mac OS 9 on unsupported systems. 
  • How to configure internet access.
  • How to change the wallpaper on the desktop.
  • How to connect to a network file server.
  • How to play Quake.
  • How to set up a LAN party.
  • Where to find compatible applications.
  • How to compress and expand files.
  • How to edit a WordPerfect file.
  • How to emulate Mac OS 9 on Windows.
  • Which USB printers are compatible with Mac OS 9.

...and so on and so forth. 

Much of this information is available in numerous other resources, but it can be difficult to find. Hence, this RetroGuide. Not only will this guide point you to additional information from other websites, but we aim to document the usage of Mac OS 9 for a wide range of user skill levels. As such, this site will be an ever-evolving process. 

So, as they say, Stay Tuned...